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Career & Wellbeing Coach, Nature Connection Guide and Breathwork Facilitator.
Hi, I'm Stacey
I was burnt out. I had lost all connection to my work and myself. I was barely moving, barely eating, I was lost. I was still working, still performing but at what cost? I spent the whole day at my desk, inside, working, working, working. I was just going through the motions and in the evening I was a shell.
I knew something was wrong. I started a journey of unravelling how I'd worked for most of my life, knowing I needed to change something drastically. When I discovered my values, and deeply understood what was important to me, I realised my career and life didn't match up.
At all!
I started making decisions based on my values and built a regular connection to nature into my life. I found me again. And you can too. You have the power to create your own reality and change the direction of your life's path.
I started making decisions that were right for me and built in a regular connection to nature into my life. I found me again.
And you can too. You have the power to create your own reality and change the direction of your life's path.
Now it's my mission to help YOU discover who you are, reconnect with nature and align YOUR liFE and BUSINESS
Now it's my mission to help YOU discover who you are, reconnect with nature and align YOUR liFE and BUSINESS.
How it could be
in life and in business
We can go through life on auto pilot. Working all hours, putting everything we have into our businesses, same routine, same environment, never taking time for ourselves.
An uncomfortable level of stress and overwhelm following us around, on the road to burnout.
But I don’t want that for you, I know it doesn't have to be this way. It's time to make that change.
'I was at burnout after moving and changing jobs. I have enjoyed speaking with Stacey, there has been an open and honest atmosphere with no judgement. At the time we started I didn't think I could get back to my happy, creative, ambitious self but with help I am buzzing again in life and my career"
"I was unsure of my next steps with my career and was having huge dilemmas on what direction to go. The sessions with Stacey really helped to unlock my mind and I even had a light bulb moment on what it was I wanted from my next step as well as what I didn't. I have now been successful in getting a new role that combines everything I enjoy"
"Before I started my sessions with Stacey I found myself anxious, stressed and lost. I have learnt more about myself in the last couple of months than I have in 33 years. I now have the foundations and tools of a wiser, more confidence and self aware me"
"I had fallen out of love with my chosen career. I felt burnt out and unsure of my next steps. With Stacey's help I worked out what I value in my career and what I enjoyed doing, I even secured a new role. Stacey helped me regain my confidence and realise my strengths again, so I would definitely recommend Stacey!"
"Stacey’s coaching has been instrumental in guiding me to switch careers. Our sessions were agile in discussing the critical topics that enabled me to make effective timely decisions. Through these sessions, Stacey helped me realize my value system - a really important guiding force in life"
"I started working with Stacey just before starting a new job after a difficult year at work had shattered my self-confidence. Stacey helped me to rebuild my confidence and faith in my own abilities so that I could thrive. The emotions coaching was particularly helpful and I learned plenty about myself. I can thoroughly recommend Stacey."